It was interesting last night to see the presentation of Kaka, he never said he was persuaded to join because of the potential salary or the potential players that Real Madrid would buy, but instead all it took for him to come was when Perez told him about "a specific project". This project undoubtedly means collecting titles and making Real Madrid the best club and team in the World, and at any cost, sporting ambitions come first.
Since 2004, Arsenal have had a project, to blend young players with our Invincible champions, that soon turned into building a young team, i am not sure what the project is now, but i lean more towards getting more money, thus a financial ambition over the sporting ones. A clear example, releasing two kits this summer which will only be worn this season, if you buy all three including the home one, it's £120 on shirts alone.
If the club had as much ambition on buying quality players every season like they bring out quality shirts, the trophies would have arrived a long time ago, instead they look for money to pay unproven and under performing players(Walcott earns £60k/wk, Ozil who destroyed England on less than £10k/wk), the board have chosen the wrong path.
Oh, and the transfer window is open now, all the team has is Vermaelen, i frankly don't care what Gazidis does now, we need all the players before pre-season training begins next week, Perez has shown he is a true CEO, he thrills the fans, puts sporting ambitions over financial ones.
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